Monday, March 21, 2011

Flashcard Jeopardy

Last week, when I was making dinner, E needed to work on his math facts.  We'd been a little remiss on this lately, and he was having a hard time with his 8x and 6x facts.

Up to my armpits in making a lasagna, and turned to the stove, I couldn't see the cards. So had to come up with a way for me to know he was getting them right.

Having him say the problem and the answer would have worked, but it felt a little Ben Stein boring to me.

My solution?   Flash Card Jeopardy without the categories.  E would say the answer, then I would call out the problems.  Example, E would say "9" and I would say "3x3, 1x9."  Zeros took a little longer but he really enjoyed me getting the "wrong" answer a few times before I finally guessed "0x11."

It worked for us.  Maybe it will work for you, too.  You're welcome.

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