I'm going to try for posting a list of at least 5 things I'm grateful for once a week. We'll see how that goes. Once a month may be pushing it sometimes, but hey, we've got to have goals, right?
1. The Little Things My Kids Aren't Old Enough to Know Are Funny
Like tonight for example, when Abby was practicing the books of the Bible and listed them as "...Isaiah, Jeremiah, Limitations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Jewel..."
2. Thumbs
Especially the one on my 7 month old's left hand. It's really made things a lot easier since he discovered it.
3. My In-laws
Last night we spent with Vance's family. Larry has started having Shrimpfests for us every few months. Last night we ate, drank and watched football with them. The kids played with their cousins and it was a good day.
4. Bottled Water
I know, once again, not eco-friendly, but what is it about water in a bottle that just makes it taste so much better than in a cup? Seriously, my family will drink water all day from bottles, but they totally balk at drinking it from a cup.
5. My Kids Like Each Other
I mean, they really, really like each other. They want to play together. They look out for each other and take care of one another. They also fight like cats and dogs, but they are siblings, after all.
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